About the Walter Gibbins Memorial Fund
Established in 2008, the purpose of the Walter Gibbins Memorial Fund is to support the maintenance of the Walter Gibbins mineral collection and the display cases used to house the collection, as well as for geological education in the NWT. The mineral collection is maintained by the Yellowknife Historical Society (formerly the NWT Mining Heritage Society) and has been displayed in a number of locations in the City of Yellowknife. The collection will ultimately be housed in the NWT Mining Heritage Centre.

Walter Gibbins was born in Winnipeg in 1940, and received his B.Sc. from the University of Manitoba , M.Sc. from Northwestern University (Illinois) and Ph.D. from MacMaster University. He worked for the NWT Geological Division of the Department of Indian Affairs, Yellowknife from 1974 until his death in 1992.
Walter was a very well-known figure in geology and mining circles. He was a district geologist and part of his work involved training northerners in geology and prospecting. He specialized in soapstone and other carving stone, and worked closely with Inuit carvers from many Northwest Territories (NWT) communities and settlements (some of which are now in Nunavut). Walter also published several papers on geology, primarily the geology of the NWT.
The Yellowknife Historical Society (formerly the NWT Mining Heritage Society)
The fund supports the maintenance of the Walter Gibbins mineral collection and the display cases used to house the collection, as well as for geological education in the NWT. The mineral collection is maintained by the Yellowknife Historical Society (formerly the NWT Mining Heritage Society) and has been displayed in a number of locations in the City of Yellowknife. The collection will ultimately be housed in the NWT Mining Heritage Centre.
For more information
If you require assistance or have questions about theĀ Walter Gibbins Memorial Fund, please do hesitate to contact the Yellowknife Community Foundation office at information@ykcf.ca or by phone at +1-867 446 4527.