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Yellowknife Community Foundation announces 2nd $25,000 grant celebrating 25 years – $25,000 grant awarded to Folk On The Rocks

The Yellowknife Community Foundation continued its 25th anniversary celebration today by awarding Folk On The Rocks a grant of $25,000 for festival site improvements. “We are very pleased to continue our 25th anniversary celebration by announcing the second of four $25,000 grants we will be awarding this year” said Foundation President, Bronwyn Watters. “Folk On The Rocks is an organization that not only brings world class entertainment to Yellowknife each summer, it also provides year round access to other groups at its festival site. Folk On The Rocks is an organization that exemplifies our vision of a giving community where people working together can make a difference for everyone.”

The Foundation will be announcing other special activities in the coming months. Groups interested in applying for our special $25,000 grants or for funding through our regular grants program are invited go to our website at YKCF.CA.”

Ashley Makohoniuk, President of Folk On The Rocks remarked: “Folk On The Rocks is extremely grateful to accept this special funding opportunity from the Yellowknife Community Foundation. The society will be using this money to build an upgraded hospitality building that we look forward to debuting at the 2019 festival. Without community support like this Folk On The Rocks would not be the awesome festival it is today.”

“As we enter our anniversary year we can look back with some pride to 25 years of committed service for the people of Yellowknife. Starting with our first donation of $100 in 1994 we have now provided over $1 million in total grants and scholarships to deserving projects and students – and we’re still growing” said Ms. Watters.

The Yellowknife Community Foundation was formed in 1993 to provide interested individuals and organizations with a means of supporting projects in our community for the enduring future. As we move further into our next 25 years, we will be working to help realize our Vision by: identifying and addressing current and anticipated community needs; raising, managing and distributing money from donated funds to meet those needs; and supporting projects that improve social conditions, assist and promote arts and cultural activities, sport, recreation and community development, assist and advance the provision of health care services, advance education, or assist and advance other community activities of a charitable nature.

For more information contact:

Yellowknife Community Foundation:

  • Bronwyn Watters, President, 873-8814, or E: bvwarl@theedge.ca

Folk On The Rocks:

  • Isis Essery, Marketing and Media Manager E: creative@ssimicro.com
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